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October 17, 2023

“I’m Mike and this is my $310K Lamborghini Urus. My third Lamborghini in 8 months.” Mike Barron is loud and proud of the life he built as a high-ticket closer. If anyone wants a life like his, he says all you need is a $47 course, and you’re on the road to making $1K to $2K daily. He claims that high-ticket closing is more profitable than affiliate marketing, crypto, drop shipping, and digital marketing. Mike's biz is recognized as one of America's fastest-growing companies by the Inc 5,000.

As a stay-at-home mom, juggling kids and a side hustle while maintaining a clean home, I need a low-maintenance but quick-income biz. Mike claims that the way to achieve financial success is through high-ticket closing. So, he offers the ultimate closers’ bootcamp and even gives a money-back guarantee on it. This Inside Closer review covers everything you need to know about the program, the background of the creator, and the pros and cons of being a high-ticket closer. I’ll also share my insight on how much sales is needed to afford one of Mike’s Lamborghini Urus, and if it’s realistic for everyday entrepreneurs to afford it. By the end of this review, I’ll answer if high-ticket closing is a viable biz for stay-at-home moms. 

So, what’s this program Mike’s hyped about? The course is called Inside Closer. It’s a boot camp for aspiring high-ticket closers. Mike says you only need to master high-ticket closing to make an eight-figure income. He follows a simple process. Mike generates leads through paid ads. Then students hop on a call with the leads and close the deals for a commission. If you’re new to sales, Mike provides you with scripts for the calls. Inside Closer teaches how to leverage special offers and capitalize on the unique selling proposition (UPS) of the product. It’s currently “on sale”. You can get it for only $37 from its $1,495 original price. It also has a 30-day refund policy if you’re not satisfied with your purchase. Inside Closer students get 

4-module training plus 3 bonus lessons, 


private Facebook community invitation and, 

1-year mentorship from Mike and his team of closers.

Mike is a 6-figure high-ticket closer. Life didn't start easy for him. His childhood years were tough, being born to a 16-year-old mother and growing up in a rough neighborhood. He lived in the streets throughout his teenage years until he decided he wanted a better life and returned to school. After completing his education, he worked as a healthcare consultant. He started his career as coordinator for UEI College. Mike was then hired as a department manager at Concorde Career Colleges. This was the biggest break in his career. However, it was cut short when the college lost its accreditation and he was jobless. His job search lead to a call with motivational speaker Grant Cardone. This sparked a million-dollar idea. From here, Mike founded Limelight Media in 2013. It’s a California-based marketing agency that helps internet celebrities gain traction. Seven years later, he launched Closer Academy and Insider Closer. Mike Barron's work has been recognized by many big institutions. He received two ClickFunnels Two-Comma Club awards, a Million Dollar Closer 500K Plaque, and a 1 Million Dollar Closer Plaque. 

Inside Closer and High-Ticket Closing Biz

Inside Closer is Mike Barron’s low-ticket course. For only $37, you get a 4-module training and three bonus lessons. It sounds like a great deal for anyone who wants to understand high-ticket closing. Mike built his fortune from scratch. He knows how to make money from nothing. He’s strong and motivated. That’s his edge over other gurus. High-ticket closing is a legitimate business opportunity. Commissions are typically from 10% to 30%. Mike says this biz has the potential to generate $1K to $3K daily income. If this estimate is accurate, the ROI is 27 times your $37 initial investment for the course. 

What I like about Inside Closer is that the leads are generated for you. So, you don’t have to spend on advertising to find potential clients. But don’t get too excited. This low-ticket course might be full of upsells. Mike has several other programs that cost up to $100,000. What I don’t like about high-ticket closing is that it’s more of a job than a business. You’re always stuck on calls trying to close deals. HubSpot reports that the optimal length of a sales call is 30 minutes, some are longer. If you’re making 20 calls a day, you’re basically working for at least 10 hours. That’s if you’re not taking breaks in between. According to LinkedIn, warm leads have a success rate of 2% to 30%. So, you need to do more calls a day to bag at least a thousand dollars. Despite all the effort of calling multiple leads, there’s no guarantee you’ll close at least one deal per day. 

To afford one Lamborghini Urus just like Mike, you need to close 310 deals that pay at least $1K commission each. And it's not that easy. High-ticket items are not typical, everyday items. They are expensive and are only occasionally bought. If you’re lucky, you might close the deal in the first contact. 80% of the time, you’ll make about 5 follow-up calls to close a non-routine sale, according to a tenacity report on Marketing Donut. 

Inside Closer Review On YouTube

Eartha Haines is an independent YouTuber who also appears to be an affiliate marketer. She reviews course creators on her channel and gives informative content on affiliate marketing-related topics. Her channel was created in 2008 and she has over 12K subscribers as of writing.

Eartha Haines reviews Mike Barron on her channel. She starts by saying that Inside Closer teaches how to close deals for high-ticket coaching programs. Eartha also shares that Mike provides the scripts for his closers. These scripts are optimized for converting leads to sales over the phone. She points out that though the biz offers flexibility, closers should have strong sales skills and good communication to handle objections and skepticism. 

Is Inside Closer A Good Beginner Course?

Mike Barron's Inside Closer could be a decent beginner course on high-ticket closing. It’s very cheap, so it’s not a big loss if you decide to quit. However, becoming a high-ticket closer eats your time and drains your energy. You don’t have time freedom if you’re doing multiple calls all day. Stay-at-home moms who are juggling chores, childcare, and an online hustle might end up getting burnt out by the workload. High-ticket closing is more demanding than a 9-to-5 job. Income is based on commissions, so it’s inconsistent and unstable. 

A better business opportunity would be local lead generation. The goal of this biz to rank digital properties and generate passive income from them by renting them out and generating leads from them. Once a site is ranked, it generates continuous passive income for months, even years. There are over 10 million companies in the U.S. that don’t have their own sites, so there’s definitely an income opportunity here. Leads generated from ranked sites can be sold to local business owners at 85% to 90% margins. The best part is that you don’t have to go after the leads. Biz owners come to you because they need the services you provide. 

About the Author Pamela Salvana

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