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December 5, 2023

Build a $300K-per-month business through an ultimate 7-figure sales funnel. Dean claims that his Ultimate Funnel discovery shifted his business by attracting the best clients with the right attitude and who were ready to take immediate action. He offers training, coaching, and consulting to business owners who want to achieve higher levels of success. Is he the internet pro he says he is?

As a stay-at-home mom, juggling kids and a side hustle while maintaining a clean home, I need a low-maintenance but quick-income biz. Dean Holland offers an exclusive affiliate program that promises big commissions for successful referrals. But is affiliate marketing using sales funnels and paid ads the best side hustle for stay-at-home moms? In this Internet Profits review, I’ll discuss the details of this secretive course and Dean Holland’s background and credentials. I’ll also reveal what people say about Internet Profits online and how Dean got sued for making false claims in 2017. Is affiliate marketing using sales funnels a fit biz for stay-at-home moms? Find out the answer here. 

Internet Profits is an invitation-only online course that teaches how to make money with affiliate marketing using sales funnels. The company was incorporated by Dean Holland in 2010. Internet Profits runs a high-ticket affiliate program that pays big commissions for successful referrals. Unlike most online courses that are open to all, Internet Profits can only be accessed through invitation. There are two ways to get an invitation. One is through an affiliate link, and the other is by getting Dean’s free Iceberg Effect book. Exclusive membership to the program costs a onetime fee of $1,997, plus a $67 monthly payment. There are also upsells inside the program, such as autoresponders and traffic tools that cost from $1,000 - $7,000. Some say there’s a 30-day refund policy, but it’s unclear what it covers. 

Dean Holland is a UK-based affiliate marketer, book author, internet entrepreneur, and the founder of Internet Profits LTD. He became fascinated with affiliate marketing in 2004. So, he learned the biz and looked for opportunities to sell digital products. Seven years later, he already sold over half a million worth of digital products online. He had students around the world who sought his unique marketing strategies and sales concepts. Aside from being an online coach, Dean is also the author of a popular affiliate marketing book, The Iceberg Effect. He claims that affiliate marketing has hidden a secret, and it’s the reason most affiliates fail. Dean says his book reveals secrets to overcoming the Iceberg Effect, so those who know about it can combat its effect. He’s now recognized as a Clickfunnels top affiliate. Russell Brunson, the Clickfunnels co-founder, is Dean’s mentor and friend. He also recommends Dean’s Iceberg Effect book. 

Dean Holland with his friend and mentor Russell Brunson (Clickfunnels co-owner)

Internet Profits: Affiliate Marketing with Sales Funnels

I found a Quora answer written by Martin Lefebvre that commends Dean’s service. He also mentioned that Internet Profits is an established business in the UK with a physical office. The writer said Dean is a great motivator and the private live calls helped him develop a better understanding of the business. He ended his review by saying it’s not the program that will make you rich. Rather, it’s the effort that you put into the biz that will give returns to your investment. Dean Holland’s affiliate marketing strategy uses sales funnels. The core of this course is lessons on sales funnel stages, which are awareness, interest, decision, and action. He explains that the top of the funnel is traffic generation. Dean also emphasized the importance of giving freebies as lead magnets for building interest in the product you’re selling. I couldn’t find a Trustpilot review page of the course. Most are affiliate reviews and are likely biased because Internet Profits offer high commissions for successful referrals. 

What’s odd, though, is that the reviews are written in a very similar style. The claims and commendations of different reviewers are almost identical. Course creator Dean Holland also has some controversies. A Quora review left by Janet Jackson SEO Expert mentions Dean Holland’s brush with the FTC in 2017 when he got sued for making false claims on weight loss products. In 2019, he also settled a class action lawsuit for misleading information on his affiliate marketing programs. What I don’t like about Internet Profits is that it’s very secretive about basic course information. Internet Profits is an invitation-only course. The landing page video even has a disclaimer that says “This invitation was never meant to be seen by public eyes”. Even on the sales page, there’s no information on what exactly the course teaches. There are only success stories of students who did well in the program. 

Internet Profits course is quite sketchy overall. But the biggest issue with this course is the business model itself. Sales funnels-driven affiliate marketing is old-school. Modern traffic and lead generation strategies already include paid advertising, SEO, and Facebook PPC. Dean Holland focuses too much on building sales funnels, and not much on traffic generation. But, sales funnels are just one part of the affiliate marketing biz. Popular affiliate courses like Matt Diggity’s Affiliate Lab focus on practical strategies like on-site/off-site SEO, CRO, and backlinking. Another popular traffic generation strategy for affiliate marketing is Facebook advertising. Commission Hero by Robby Blanchard is famous for this marketing method. 

Is the affiliate income still worth all this effort? 

It can be worth it if you have a following and you can create viral content that generates huge free traffic. But it’s a challenging biz to get into if you’re a new affiliate with zero experience and no existing audience. According to Authority Hacker, the average affiliate income in 2023 is $8,038 per month. Deductible from the gross income is operating expenses like sales funnels set-up costs at around $19 to $499 monthly. There’s also Facebook advertising expense that increases year-on-year. WebFX estimates that the cost-per-click on Facebook for 2024 will be $0.26 to $0.30. It’s fair to say that the affiliate marketing biz is alive. But most affiliates (approximately 57.55%) are only making less than $10K per year. It’s significantly far from Dean Holland’s claim of $300K per month. 

Internet Profits Review on YouTube

Jon McNiel  (@roiunlimitedinc)

Jon McNeil has an affiliate course called Super Affiliate Hacks. His YT channel has 1.05 subscribers and 50 video uploads as of writing. He reviews affiliate marketing courses, posts business opportunities, and promotes affiliate programs in his channel. 

Jon McNeil gives a comprehensive insider review of Internet Profits. He says that the training emphasizes the use of super funnels where students can make low to high ticket sales. Inside Internet Profits, Dean gives options for building the online business, which includes creating a home-based blog, maximizing lead magnets, and setting up the pages. He discusses free traffic generation methods (which include YouTube and blogging) and paid traffic methods like solo ads, live feeds, and soap-in-a-box emails. 

Would I Recommend Internet Profits to Stay-At-Home Moms? 

Overall, I wouldn’t recommend Internet Profits to stay-at-home moms. The course has so many gray areas and uses an outdated traffic generation method. Dean’s free book is only a lead magnet to get prospects interested in his high-ticket course. There’s not much to learn there. It mostly talks about his life rather than a useful how-to guide for new affiliates. Affiliate marketing using sales funnels and paid ads is also not the best business model for moms to make money online. It’s a bit too risky and complicated. There’s a learning curve to this biz. It’s not enough to just know the basics of ad campaigns. You need to effectively manage high-converting sales funnels to succeed. The affiliate income is unreliable and could depend on different factors, like popularity and the number of competition in a certain niche. Instead of gambling on sales funnels and paid ads and risking losing money, why not build a business that generates a stable and predictable passive income? 

The number 1 money-making method for stay-at-home moms for me is local lead generation. It’s a low-barrier biz and can run on autopilot once it’s fully set up. Unlike affiliate marketing, you don’t need to run paid campaigns because you drive free traffic by organically ranking sites. Local lead gen is way less saturated than affiliate marketing. There are over 50 niches you can tap and thousands of cities to get into. The best part? Income is predictable, so you don’t have to worry about running short on your budget for the month. Get lead gen coaching to know more about this mom-approved and mom-recommended income opportunity. 

About the Author Pamela Salvana

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