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September 21, 2023

‘If you can send emails to a friend, then you have what it takes to make money online’. Ian makes it sound so easy. He says salesmanship has always been in his blood. I'm not surprised he came up with the salesy-est line for his ads. 90 Days To Freedom aims to train copywriters to write conversational emails that gain the trust of readers, rather than being overly pushy. Ian Stanley says he makes 6 figures monthly through email marketing and effective copywriting. He guarantees to work with his students until they land their first client. 

As a stay-at-home mom, juggling kids and a side hustle while maintaining a clean home, I need a low-maintenance but quick-income biz. Ian Stanley offers a business opportunity that makes a 6-figure income by just sending emails. Is email marketing the best opportunity for stay-at-home moms? I'll answer that by the end of this article. This review covers all you need to know about the course, the creator, and the email marketing biz. I’ll also answer if email marketing is a good industry to get into and how viable the biz is based on industry statistics. 

It’s unclear how much the course costs. But Ian mentioned he once conducted a $2K face-to-face copywriting workshop. And, he also offers a $3K persuasion workshop. 90 DTF is probably in that range. This program is targeted at copywriters, but it’s also open to anyone who wants to make money by just sending emails. It's okay if you can't write good copies yet. Ian shares over a hundred email templates for abandoned carts, high-ticket coaching, supplement promotion, and dead list revival. Inside 90 DTF, students get

Ready-to-use email templates,

40-hour module, 

ClickFunnels and Shopify engagement tools and, 

exclusive access to the 8020 crash course. 

To succeed with 90 DTF, you need to master both email marketing strategies and effective copywriting. 

Before we dig into the details of the program, let's talk about the man behind it all.  

Ian Stanley is the creator of 90 Days To Freedom. He calls himself the persuasion hitman. After trying every course and business model for making money online, he focused on one skill and mastered it. He became a copywriter and perfected the art of writing effective marketing emails. That's how he ended up ‘writing things and filming videos in my underwear’ (Ian's words). From there, he went from zero to $5K a month. Ian claims he sold over $100 million worth of products since he started email marketing. In 2015, he made over $20 million, and now makes over $83K monthly. It's unstated what Ian's education and professional backgrounds are. What we know is that he was under the mentorship of Ron Lynch, an infomercials expert. He conducted a $2K copywriting workshop with legendary writing coach David L. Deutsch. David is a mentor to freelance and in-house copywriters of Fortune 500 companies.

90 DTF and the Email Marketing Business Model 

90 Days to Freedom is a step-by-step workshop on how to build a list and write high-converting emails. The strategy is essentially email marketing using effective copywriting. At the end of the course, you should be able to offer your services to companies and small business owners. Everyone’s welcome to join 90 DTF as long as you can write emails at a third-grade level. 

But, can email marketing and copywriting scale to a 6-figure-per-month business? Let's break down the statistics. 

Copywriting is a growing industry. It's worth $25 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6%. The copywriting service market is expected to hit the $42 billion mark by 2030, as companies (online and offline) compete to stand out in saturated markets. It will remain to be a relevant and in-demand job in the next years. Email marketing also has an upward demand trend. Gartner's The State of Marketing Budget and Strategy estimates that 7.8% of a company’s marketing budget is spent on email marketing. The numbers are expected to balloon as 37% of brands are increasing their email marketing spend in 2023 and beyond. By the end of this year, email marketing revenue will reach the $11 billion mark. There's definitely lots of income potential for email marketers in this digital age. 

Of course, there are downsides to this business. There's a reason Ian calls this an almost passive income source. 

Email marketing and copywriting require time, effort, and dedication to learn. They are not beginner-friendly. The copies are the secret sauce of the business. So, you need to be a master at writing them. There's no shortcut. You need to practice every day. The biggest issue I see with the program is the content of 90 DTF itself. Ian’s step-by-step procedure is not detailed enough. Anyone new to email marketing and copywriting will have a hard time following his steps. 

90 Days To Freedom Review On YouTube

Online Marketing Reviews is a channel that uploads digital marketing content. It reviews course creators and other digital products. The channel was launched in January 2021 and now has over 10.2K subscribers and 1,484 video uploads.

Online Marketing reviews Ian Stanley’s 90 Days To Freedom. He starts by saying the program teaches how to make $5K to $10K with email marketing. The reviewer brought up that the course is high-maintenance and it's not passive because you need to do copywriting and selling. You also need to consistently deliver results to maintain client relationships. He cautions that this biz may not be suitable for those who are not comfortable with direct selling and client management.

Does 90 Days To Freedom Offer A Good Work Opportunity For Moms?

90 Days To Freedom is a decent course, but it may not offer a good work opportunity for moms. Ian Stanley has an extensive background in sales, email marketing, and copywriting. He might offer valuable training and mentorship, but success in email marketing still depends on individual effort. Although there may be some truth to the claim that the biz can make 6 figures, it’s not clear exactly how this a 6-figure income can be achieved with email marketing. The course is at least $2K, I don't recommend spending this much (and more) for a business model with no guaranteed profitability. 

What I recommend is a business model that has proven to generate long-term passive income. The local lead generation biz builds and ranks sites that can be rented out to businesses that don't have their own site. Ranked sites places you in front of an audience who are looking for the products and services you offer. As a digital landlord, you can generate leads from these sites and sell them for at least 85% profit margins. It's a viable business opportunity with guaranteed long-term profitability. 

About the Author Pamela Salvana

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