Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all The Craigslist Middleman Review - Simple Mom Digital Marketing
September 20, 2023

“Even a 10-year-old with a laptop can start making money with this strategy,” says Joe as he pitches a method that’s latest in the market and nobody’s doing. Craigslist Middleman is an online course on how to close high-ticket deals on Craigslist and outsource them on Fiverr. Unlike other business models, Craigslist Middleman doesn’t tell you to quit your job. It’s a side hustle that you can do while you’re working a 9-to-5 and/or attending university. Joe claims this method makes 90% profits and you only have to work 3 hours a day.

As a stay-at-home mom, juggling kids and a side hustle while maintaining a clean home, I need a low-maintenance but quick-income biz. Craigslist Middleman offers an income opportunity that sources jobs on Craigslist and outsourcing the service fulfillment on Fiverr. Joe believes this unique business model makes a lucrative passive income, but is this strategy still viable? This Craigslist Middleman review covers everything you need to know about the course, the creator, and the business model. I’ll also discuss the viability and profitability of the business model based on current industry statistics. 

This biz model targets high-ticket jobs like logo and web design. The program only costs $97 for lifetime access. The course creator claims to have made $4,500 in just a week and made $125K that same year. What's unique about this course is that it only uses three basic and free applications. You don't need a paid tool or learn a new skill. All you need are Craigslist, Fiverr, and PayPal accounts. Craigslist Middleman is a 36-video course. It covers the top 10 niches on Craigslist and the 20 most profitable niches for this strategy. Students of Craigslist Middleman learn how to

Create web and logo design ads, 

make ad sets, 

close deals using the phone and, 

find freelancers on Fiverr. 

Strangely, there’s not much said about the creator of Craigslist Middleman. What we know is that his name is Joe from Austin, Texas. From how he looks on YouTube, he’s probably in his mid to late 20s. Joe worked a 9-to-5 job and also attended university when he started Craigslist Middleman. He tried other business models before, like Amazon and drop shipping, but they didn’t work out. He developed a side hustle biz that made $10,347 monthly and he only worked for 3 hours every day. One of Joe’s students, James, made $10k monthly through this Craigslist strategy. Another one is Jesse from San Clemente, California. He made $6,500 a month after using Joe’s side hustle strategy.

Craigslist Middleman and the Service Outsourcing Strategy

Craigslist Middleman Strategy teaches how to facilitate web and logo design deals by connecting job opportunities to freelance service providers. Joe says this simple strategy can make as much as 90% profit. The business process is simple. You find clients on Craigslist, hire freelancers on Fiverr to do the work and get paid on Paypal. It's a no-capital, low-cost side hustle, so anyone can start anytime. 

What I like about this strategy is that it’s cheap. The program only costs $97, and it does not require any additional paid application and tools. No upsells and affiliate offers. The process is simple and practical. The biz is just closing deals and outsourcing services. A logo design deal that costs $500 in the US can be outsourced to freelancers on Fiverr for only $25. This means, as the middleman, you profit $225 once the order is fulfilled. Another example is a 10-page website that costs $2,500 in the US will only cost you $150 to $250 if you outsource it overseas through Fiverr. You can make $2K or more. 

But despite being a practical side hustle opportunity, the business model has obvious problems. 

The biggest issue is that you don’t have control over the quality of output. Anyone can work for you and they can also leave anytime. Even though there are over 830,000 freelancers on Fiverr, it’s hard to find good ones that last. Since it's a design service, the client may request revisions. Some projects might take longer than others, so you don't have a uniform service time for all projects. It’s a good side hustle though, but a short-term one. You need to constantly find new clients, close deals, and find freelancers to do the job. 

Another issue is that there are already web-based design tools and software that are cheaper, faster, and more convenient. A page builder like Snapps lets you create a website with simple drag-and-drop. Canva offers affordable logo-making through ready-to-use templates. With these tools, the project is done within minutes. 

Craigslist Middleman Review On YouTube

E-Business and Marketing Reviews is a channel that reviews course creators and digital products. It was launched in February 2021 and currently has 1.16K subscribers.

E-business and marketing reviews Craigslist Middleman on YouTube. The reviewer starts by discussing the course's promise, which is to generate $8,000 to $9,000 monthly through a drop servicing system. He then highlights the challenges of the business model, including its time-consuming nature and low profit margins. Overall, he doesn't recommend the course because business owners are now aware of cheaper outsourcing options, so this biz is short-lived. 

Is Craigslist Middleman A Viable Business Opportunity?

Craigslist Middle is unlikely to be a viable business opportunity. Craigslist is a very limited platform. 93% of its users are US-based, which means your market is almost exclusive to Americans. Facebook Marketplace has a bigger user base since Craigslist only gets 250 million monthly visits. The business can easily get saturated because it has many limitations. As more people try this side hustle, it will get harder to find good-paying clients that lead to profitable deals. 

Craigslist Middleman can be worth it if you're just looking for casual gigs. But, if you want something passive, sustainable, and long-term, my recommendation is local lead generation. This business model builds and ranks digital properties that can be rented out to companies who don’t have their own sites. It also generates leads from ranked digital properties that are sold to local owners at huge margins. Unlike Fiverr outsourcing, local lead gen doesn’t easily get saturated because there are over 50 different niches to explore and countless cities to target. It's a sustainable online biz that can generate long-term income for you. 

About the Author Pamela Salvana

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