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October 12, 2023

Make hundreds, even thousands per month using only your computer. This unique method uses crypto to make semi-passive income by earning rewards from other people’s trades. Dan Ryder explains that the key is to leverage the power of cryptocurrency without becoming a day trader. Is it legit? Dan promises that it is, and it’s all because of the power of smart contracts. 

As a stay-at-home mom, juggling kids and a side hustle while maintaining a clean home, I need a low-maintenance but quick-income biz. Dan Ryder has an exciting offer that allows you to make money with crypto, and you don’t have to mine or trade. He promises that this method generates a 180% annual percentage yield, but is it a reliable income source? This Crypto Cashflow review covers all you need to know about the course, the creator, and a semi-automated trading process called Pool Driver Rewards. I’ll also share some advantages and disadvantages of crypto lending. And, in the end, I’ll answer if it’s a viable and reliable online biz for moms. 

Crypto Cashflow is a course that teaches how to make passive income using cryptocurrency without mining or trading. Dan claims that this method ‘fights inflation’ and builds wealth. And, it generates 180% APY from your crypto investments. If you’re not mining, trading, or starting a business, how are you making money? Dan says it's through a semi-automated process called Pool Driver Rewards. It helps investors find profitable crypto trades for a finder’s fee. This can be achieved by lending tokens to a liquidity pool. There’s no mention of the signup cost. You need to book a breakthrough call with Dan to get the details. Crypto Cashflow students get

weekly live coaching every Wednesday, 10 am EST,

exclusive Facebook group, 

$500 signup bonus,

24/7 member concierge and, 

1-on-1 mentorship with Dan Ryder. 

Dan Ryder is the co-founded Crypto Cashflow with Jesse Singh. But before he discovered ways of making money online, he lived a completely different life. Dan worked for the U.S. Air Force. He was also a director-level pharmacist for over a decade. In 2013, he was introduced to direct sales and saw great potential in the growing e-commerce industry back then. After learning digital marketing for four years, he finally had the courage to start his e-commerce biz. But that ended shortly. From there, he explored affiliate marketing. He was so good at it that he received three ClickFunnels two-comma club awards for making million-dollar sales. I'm surprised that he didn't last long as an affiliate despite this success. After his affiliate stint, he opened a digital marketing agency in 2018, called Ryder Media. Hopping from one online biz to another, Dan found his way to crypto. He has a pattern of jumping from one biz to another. In a ten-year period, he's already been in four industries: e-commerce, affiliate marketing, digital marketing, and crypto investing. His inability to focus on one business and master it is a red flag.

Crypto Cashflow and Crypto Lending Business Model 

There is not much said about Crypto Cashflow online. Either the course is new or has very few enrollees. There are also no Reddit and Trustpilot discussions, so it’s really hard to know what students think of the course. What I like about Crypto Cashflow is that Dan tries his best to make realistic claims. He's honest that the biz requires huge capital and there's a substantial level of risk involved. He aims for long-term partnerships so he’s not obsessed about getting high-volume enrollments. The Pool Driver Rewards method is not the usual crypto biz. It does not involve mining and trading. Dan needs students or partners who are all-in in learning this unique process. 

Dan Ryder has a fair reputation overall. The training is legit and testimonials on his page say he’s a great coach. However, I can't say the same for his partner Jesse Singh. Some reports call him a scammer because he fakes his claims to get enrollments. Crypto cashflow was recently rebranded to Prime DeFi. Dan appeared on a Sharkpreneur episode, promoting this "new" course. If Crypto Cashflow is a great trading program, why the need to rebrand it? 

Crypto lending is not risk-free even when secured by a smart contract. Although smart contracts are designed to be tamper-proof, they're not invincible to cyberattacks. Crypto lending pays high interest. That's why many investors are enticed to try this biz. According to Investopedia, the average APY is from 3% to 10% but could go up to 20%. Dan promises 180% APY in Crypto Cashflow. This claim is 9 times more than the highest annual percent yield. To achieve 180% APY, you need to get into 9 lending contracts at a 20% interest rate at barely 1 ½ month term on each. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's also almost unrealistic. It will be extremely hard to find crypto borrowers that will pay 20% interest for a short-term loan. 

Crypto Cashflow Review on YouTube

Scott Cunningham is an independent YouTuber and the host of Tech & Things. He shares valuable content on cryptocurrency, AI, and blockchain technologies. His channel started in 2016 and now has 15.4K subscribers and over 500 video uploads.

Scott Cunningham warns about the risks of crypto lending. He starts by saying that crypto lending is risky and lenders are at risk of financial loss. He also reminds viewers about the core principles of cryptocurrency, which are decentralization, privacy, and true ownership. Scott believes that crypto lending is against these principles. He does not recommend this strategy for both lenders and borrowers. 

Is It Worth Investing In Dan Ryder's Crypto Cashflow? 

It may not be worth investing in Dan Ryder’s Crypto Cashflow. The biz is so risky that even experienced crypto investors would think twice about investing. There’s also the unanswered question of why Dan changed the name of the course from Crypto Cashflow to Prime DeFi if the course is doing well. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, which makes them risky for crypto lenders. Crypto collaterals can drastically change value, which leads to under-collateralization of a loan. Regulations on crypto trading may also change without warning. So, you might need to cease operations and stop business if the law requires. Crypto trading might be too complex for beginners to understand. Some trading strategies can only be acquired from years of experience and practice. Training from Dan might not be enough to make you an expert and profitable crypto lender over a short period. 

My recommendation is local lead generation. This biz is less risky, it’s not capital intensive, and it’s a lot easier to understand compared to crypto lending. Local lead generation builds and ranks sites. Ranked sites generate leads you can sell to local business owners at an 85% profit margin. Over 10 million companies in the United States don’t have their own sites, so there’s definitely a market for the rank and rent biz. With local lead gen, you own the sites and have full control of every aspect of the biz. It’s safer and income is more stable and predictable. 

About the Author Pamela Salvana

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