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November 3, 2023

Get my 9-figure ecom store template for just $97. Tai Lopez is desperate to get anyone on board his program. So, he throws in a low-ticket course, hoping people will fall for his tactics once more. And then, he tells you about a copy-and-paste formula that makes $2,500 to $25,000 each month. Tai is the king of courses and a master advertiser. He pumps out new courses every so often, from crypto trading to life coaching. 

As a stay-at-home mom, juggling kids and a side hustle while maintaining a clean home, I need a low-maintenance but quick-income biz. Tai Lopez offers to build an online store for you that handles everything from order fulfillment to inventory-keeping. But the catch is, he’ll split profit with you. Is it the best online biz opportunity for moms? This Affiliate E-commerce review covers everything you need to know about the course, the business model, and the creator. I’ll also share some shocking discoveries I found while digging about Tai Lopez online. In the end, I’ll answer if it’s a good course for stay-at-home moms based on its online reputation, the overall value of the course, and the latest industry statistics. 

Affiliate E-commerce Store teaches you how to build a digital storefront and establish your online presence through a simple copy-and-paste formula. Everything is done for you, from order fulfillment to warehousing inventory. Tai calls this program the wealth formula for 2022. Of course, there’s a catch: Tai wants you to split profits with him. This explains why the course is cheap. He wants a portion of your business for the secrets he’ll be teaching. Digging deeper into Tai Lopez, I found out that he launched multiple courses on different business models, including affiliate marketing, Airbnb arbitrage, digital marketing, and e-commerce. It’s almost impossible to believe that he could master all these skills and become a reputable coach for all of these paid programs. 

Who is this Tai guy, anyway? Taino Adrian “Tai” Lopez is a serial online coach and the creator of Affiliate E-commerce Store. He was born in Long Beach, California. Reports say that Tai’s father served a long time in prison, so he was only raised by his mother and grandmother. There’s no info on his LinkedIn if he attended college. Aside from being an online coach, Tai also owns brands like Pier1, Linens N Things, Dress Barn, and The Franklin Mint. He has quite an online presence. His YouTube channel (@tailopez) has over 2.23 million subscribers, and his videos have been viewed over 1.4 billion times. He claims to have taught over 500,000 students in the Affiliate E-commerce Store program. Tai’s net worth has grown to approximately 60 million dollars from all his business ventures. 

Affiliate E-commerce Store and E-commerce Business Model 

Affiliate E-commerce Store is one of the cheapest courses you’ll find on starting and scaling an ecom biz. Tai Lopez has a strong entrepreneurial background. He built and managed different businesses and taught half a million students over the course of his career. He shares his knowledge in a podcast called The Grand Theory of Everything. And, business channels like Entrepreneur and Forbes talk about him. 

There’s nothing much said online about Affiliate E-commerce Store, apart from it being a $97 course. Tai is too vague when talking about this program. He repeatedly mentions a copy-and-paste system that will make $2,500 to $25,000, but it’s always unclear how he’ll get you there. The more I dig into this course, the less I understand about it. The marketing is generic (all gurus say what Tai says) and information about this course is all over the place. What appears to be the biggest red flag is the fact that Tai launched so many courses teaching different business models. Of course, anyone can master more than one skill. But does he have the knowledge and background to mentor all these businesses? I highly doubt it.

His Crypto DeFi program teaches cryptocurrency trading. But ironically, some reports show that Tai is a bad trader. He was even asked in an interview to explain market caps, but he didn’t have a close-to-correct answer. But he’s not stopping there. Tai launched a real estate course yet again. However, a live review revealed he knows nothing about the topic. Affiliate E-commerce Store is nothing better. A former student, Randy, said he ended up paying $29.9 to build two e-commerce stores. One is for Pier One and another for Dress Barn. Note that both these companies are owned by Tai Lopez. By becoming a student of Affiliate E-commerce Store, you’re basically building digital storefronts to sell Tai’s products. That means you’re paying him to work for him. If there’s anyone getting rich through this system, it’s definitely Tai.  

Tai Lopez is a controversial figure. His scams are all over the internet. But he somehow acts as if he has a credible reputation by continuously launching new courses. One of the biggest controversies linked to Tai’s name is the now-defunct online dating company called Elite Online Dating LLC. Reports say that he used this to scam people who are desperate to find love. It appears that Tai tried to disassociate himself from Elite Online Dating. But the internet knows him too well. Trustpilot rates him 1.5 stars and the negative reviews keep on coming. A review was written by an ex-investor from an e-commerce venture. The writer didn’t mention the program, but he’s likely referring to Affiliate E-commerce Store. He said Tai never paid him the affiliate fee he earned and the percentage of return promised to him from the e-commerce biz. It seems like Tai is so used to this process. He’s not even affected by backlash he's getting. Tai is still somehow convinced that he offers the best courses out there. 

The e-commerce business model also has issues of its own. According to Failory, 90% of startup e-commerce businesses fail. The success rate of this business is less than 20%, despite being a $6.3 trillion market that’s continually growing at an 8.9% rate. Contrary to what many believe, e-commerce is not the perfect online biz for beginners. 

Even more challenging, Tai’s method uses Shopify as the main selling platform. Although there’s business and traffic here from 2.1 million active daily users, it’s still a highly saturated market. 1.7 million sellers are competing in this space. Many sellers also report that Shopify is prone to bugs, especially when listing a new product. The page speed is another issue with Shopify. It matters because even a 2-second delay in an e-commerce platform will make people leave your site. Shopify is directly competing against Amazon, the biggest e-commerce market in the United States. Amazon holds 37.8% of the market share while Shopify is only 28%. It's a factor to consider if you're planning to take Tai's course. 

Affiliate E-commerce Review on YouTube

Ceshar O. is an independent YouTube channel that reviews affiliate marketing courses. His bio says he's a Chemical Engineer with a Master's in Business Administration. Aside from uploading course reviews, Ceshar also shares digital marketing-related content on his platform. He launched his channel in 2019 and has uploaded over a thousand videos since.

Ceshar O reviews Tai Lopez’s Affiliate E-commerce Store 2.0 on his channel. He starts by saying that the program is a comprehensive ecom course and one of the cheapest at $97. The modules of this course include customer support, product research, marketing strategies, and operations management. It focuses on three main platforms: Shopify, Facebook, and Google. Ceshar emphasizes that in an Affiliate E-commerce Store course, the student needs to master both store management and affiliate marketing. Both skills could be challenging to master simultaneously for beginners. 

Would I Recommend Getting Tai’s Affiliate E-commerce Store To Stay At Home?

The short answer is no. I wouldn’t recommend getting Tai Lopez’s Affiliate E-commerce store to stay-at-home moms. There are so many red flags on the course and on the creator that it would not be smart to pay for this course and invest capital in the program. Tai Lopez has been called out for being a scammer all over the internet. But he continues to launch courses, anyway. He is never bothered by complaints, nor does he try to improve his offers and services. E-commerce is a booming industry, but competition is also getting tighter. China-based suppliers are now entering the ecom space. You’ll be competing with industry giants who manufacture the goods themselves and can offer the lowest possible price. This business model has a high failure rate and the startup cost would be around $10K. It’s not passive income, and it takes hard work to scale from zero to 7,8 figures. 

My online biz recommendation is local lead generation. This business model builds and ranks sites that you can rent out and generate leads from. Unlike E-commerce, you don’t need to source goods, list them on a site, and hope for them to sell. Ranked sites can be rented out to over 10 million U.S.-based businesses that don’t have a site of their own. Sites that are on top of Google generate leads that can be sold at 85% margins. It’s a passive income business opportunity, so I highly recommend it to busy stay-at-home moms. Income with ecom is seasonal and unpredictable, but lead gen revenue is consistent and predictable. 

About the Author Pamela Salvana

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