Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Top Side Hustle Ideas for Stay at Home Moms - Simple Mom Digital Marketing
sidehustle graphic

There seems to be more and more pressure on moms to do it all - take care of the kids, keep the home spotless, cook meals, be at every school event, serve on the damn PTA.

But these days, it's expensive to raise a family and give them everything they need and want.

If you hold down a job, it's almost impossible to do all the other 'mommy' things expected of you.

That's why many moms choose to not to hold down a regular 9-5 and instead, they get their side-hustle on to make some extra cash.

To help you find the perfect fit for your side hustle from home, here's a list of the top work from home gigs in 2021.

1. Local Lead Generation

I want to share this with you first because it's an absolute game-changer for stay-at-home moms who want complete control over their time and their finances.

Simply, there is no better business for having complete control over your schedule while scaling to some serious income levels.

I already know a handful of moms who are killing it and earning more money than they ever thought possible.

Basically, local lead gen is building a website to generate leads.

Grand rapids tree service local lead gen site

You then sell those leads to a local business owner who carries out the work.

It's a win-win for everyone.

And the best part, these sites are digital assets that you own forver.

They will keep earning you passive income for the long-term while you can keep building more and scaling your income.

Once they are up and running, there is very little work involved, making it easy to scale your income while spending time with your family.

I know mom's earning multiple 6-figures with their lead gen skills.

If you're still not convinced that this is the easiest way to build wealth in the long term


You just want a little bit of extra income here and there...

Have a look at these other side hustle opportunities and perhaps there's something that appeals to you.

2. Build Your Own Blog

If you have a particular passion, you can start and monetize your own blog.

There are a few ways to monetize it:

  • Advertising
  • Affiliate links
  • Guest posts for backlinks

It's important to remember the primary reason for building your blog should be to educate and engage with a community of readers.

If you're all about the coin, readers will see right through it.

I mean, would you trust someone's recommendation if it was a clearly just about getting as many sales as possible?

It really helps to bring value to your readers and help them solve problems.

You can also offer lead magnets to help get email subscribers.

This mommy blog site rakes in 5 figures monthly but it has taken time and effort to reach that point.

mom blog that make $20k a month in revenue

In general, if the thought of writing 1000s of words makes your palms sweaty with flashbacks to high school English classes, don't worry - there's lots of alternatives.

Take a gander at another blog-related service that is also in demand.

3. Blog Management Service

On the other hand, perhaps the idea of writing tons of content or playing the waiting game to see if your blog can hit the jackpot makes you apprehensive.

With all the blogs out there, there's an entire industry devoted to their management and upkeep.

And it pays pretty well.

Depending on what level of services you want to offer, fees range from $500-2000 a month.

But, expect to find clients being demanding and they'll expect to see a ROI.

TBH, there are so many variables involved in producing a successful blog that creating clear expectation is crucial.

And sometimes, that might just be out of your hands if the niche is super-competitive and the client is unrealistic about the amount of time and resources needed.

On the other hand, if you want something with more of a personal touch, this next one might be a better fit.

4. Become a Virtual Assistant

If you want something a bit less stressful, you could offer your services as a virtual assistant (aka VA).

With so many business owners working remotely and tons of entrepreneurs who need a bit of help here and there, good VAs are in demand.

You can pick the tasks that suit your skills and schedule:

  • Data Entry
  • Managing emails
  • Appointment setting
  • Research

I'm sure you have some kind of skill or experience that would transfer well.

Plus, the majority of people who hire VAs have some kind of training to explain what they want doing and how.

This is a role where you can really be a huge help by taking some of the workload off someone trying to manage their business.

cartoon graphic demonstrating how effective it is to have a virtual assistant

Instead, may you'd prefer to work for yourself rather than take orders from someone else.

5. Sell Print-On-Demand Products

Print-on-Demand has boomed in recent years as a simple way to get involved in eCommerce. 

The key is being able to come up with creative designs that people will want to buy.

You can add your design to a whole range of products:

  • T-shirts
  • Mugs
  • Baseball caps
  • Hoodies

The list is endless.

And you know what?

With all the online platforms offering Print On Demand, it has never been easier to set up your own store.

The trickier part is finding a way to get your products in front of people to buy them.

In fact, many eCom stores have to rely on paid advertising which comes with it's fair share of risks, especially if you don't know what you're doing.

A word of warning though.

Make sure you understand the copyright laws in every country you will be selling to.

print on demand product ideas

Ultimately, if the thought of handling paid ads makes you as queasy too.

But you want to put those artistic chops to good use, maybe you'd prefer the next option instead.

6. Be a Graphic Designer

If you have an knack for design and you can capture someone's vision and brand, being a graphic designer could be a perfect fit.

Outside of communicating with your clients, the schedule is flexible so long as you're hitting any deadlines you've agreed to, it's easy to do as a side hustle.

In addition, you can offer things like business card and stationary design to boost sales and income without adding too much extra work for yourself.

graphic designs for shirts, logos and products

On balance, if graphics aren't your thing but you can craft the hell out of a sentence, people need help with content.

7. Be a Freelance Writer

With all the blogs and business sites online, there's a huge need for content.

Many people prefer to outsource the task .

If you're fairly good at writing and can do some basic research, there are plenty of opportunities on freelance platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.

You could also look into writing opportunity with established content producing platforms who are always in need of good writers too.

In the long run, you may find writing content over and over to be brain numbing.

9. Offer Proofreading or Editing Services

If you have a good eye for mistakes and a sound grasp of grammar, there is plenty of opportunity for proofreaders.

It could be authors needing help with their final book draft or someone writing their resume or wedding vows.

You'd be surprised what people want help with.

And when it comes to crunch time, they feel more prepared knowing there's no silly grammatical mistakes that will make them look bad to their audience.

For many people who lack the confidence in their own writing ability, using an editing service really is a life-saver.

Again, probably the easiest method to pick up work is on a freelancer platform.

checklist for proofreading

Now, it's important to keep in mind that most editing work is quick one-n-done jobs. 

Ideally, you want something where you can do the work once and keep getting paid.

If you're not already 'enlightened' about these kinds of opportunities, circle back to opportunity #1 and check out the video link.

Our next gig is something that offers passive income, although on a much smaller scale.

10. Create & Sell Digital Products

There's a demand for printable products.

Especially things that make people's lives easier

While some people are good at creating their own structure, a lot of people prefer to find something that fits their needs and they can just plug it and go.

Things like calendars, templates, planners, or workbooks have all sold well.

One of the best aspects, once you've created an item, set up the sale process and automated delivery, it can keep earning income passively for you.

You can look online at places like Etsy to see what sells well.

Likewise, if you're thinking about passive income, there's a way to incorporate that into this next option too.

11. Writing eBooks

There are a couple of options here, depending on how involved you want to be.

  1. 1
    Ghost write ebooks for business or bloggers
  2. 2
    Ghost write for an author
  3. 3
    Create your own ebooks & publish on Amazon

There are lots of people looking to release ebooks online or to use as lead magnets in their business.

amazon kindle ebook publishing information

But they either don't like the writing part or they don't have the time.

If you have the chops for promotion, you could write and release your own books on Amazon, getting a portion of the royalties from each sale.

p.s. I love things that create passive income, like Amazon ebooks.

Make sure you have at least an asset or 2 earning you money while you sleep.

(That's why I really, really love lead gen - it's all money-paying assets!)

Admittedly, publishing on Amazon isn't likely to buy you that swankly car anytime soon.

If you're looking for some 'fast money', this next one is a big fav of some of my Lead Gen students who know they can use their skills to pay the bills.

12. Building Websites

These days, you don't need to know how to code to build quality websites.

Now, it's a competitive market out there but if you price it right, it's a nice payday.

examples of a website on desktop, laptop, ipad and mobile

Unfortunately, once the site is done and sold, you're onto looking for the next deal.

It could be a real feast and famine kind of side hustle in the end.

However, you could add monthly hosting as a way to make reoccurring income too.

On the other hand, if you're looking for something more sustainable, this next one could mean more consistent workloads.

13. Offer Website Development Services

Okay, so let's say you do know your way around the technical side of a website and how to code.

With the pandemic driving even more businesses and solutions online, there are plenty of opportunities to find freelancer work in website development.

Check out sites like Fiverr or Upwork.

infographic breaking down the different elements of web development

Just as more websites are launched every day, social media is still seeing a rise in popularity too.

14. Become a Social Media Manager

It's one thing to have a social media channel but supplying it with quality content is another thing altogether.

And essential if social media is to be a viable marketing channel.

And there's no shortage of channels to become an expert with:

  • Facebook
  • Snapchat
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest

It really comes down to what platform will reach the business' customer base the best.

phone displaying social media icons

There's also the engagement required to build a real community.

It's time-consuming and frankly, not everyone is cut out for it either.

That's where someone who is social media-savvy can really help.

You can use software to schedule the posts and monitor comments to streamline the workload.

Now, if you'd prefer to be the face of the brand and potentially turn your side hustle into passive income, YT is a great option.

15. Start a YouTube Channel

Now, making money from a YouTube channel is no small feat but once you get the snowball effect in place, it can keep paying month after month.

Another of those 'money-making assets' I can encouraging you to take seriously.

But you need quality content.

And plenty of it.

It's all about hitting the 'sweetspot' for # of views and subscribers to tap into YouTube algorithms so they are promoting your videos in viewers' feeds.

sarah chrisp youtube channel about making money online

That's when a channel has potential to take off.

You can earn money from YouTube Ad Partners Program or by promoting affiliate links that pay you a commission.

Keep in mind, people often turn to YouTube to solve a problem or learn something new.

Sure, there are probably people still losing track of time watching cat videos but I'm sure you can aim higher and add value.

Next up, here's another way to add value and see a return on your time.

16. Become an Online Coach

Transforming people through coaching can be really rewarding. 

Not only does it often pay well - assuming you set your prices accordingly.

But you can make a real difference to the quality of life of your clients.

In fact, this is a side hustle that you will suit you well if you enjoy helping people grow and the money is secondary.

Now more than ever, people are open to meeting and learning online whether it be zoom or an online course.

The later gives plenty of opportunity for scaling too.

In reality, coaching can be a lot of work.

Plus there's expectations and pressure there to transform your client's lives.

Speaking of getting paid for performance.

There's a big demand for people who can manage paid ad campaigns, especially Facebook because there's very little help from their customer service to figure it out.

17. Be a Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook ad revenue totaled 84 billion in 2020 and it's still on the rise.

Some business are really suited to taking advantage of Facebook's interruption marketing.

On the flipside, many business owners need help managing their ad campaigns effectively to maximize their ROAS (return on ad spend).

There's a lot of people who rely on Facebook advertising but struggle to set up and manage their campaigns.

Therefore, they turn to outsourcing it to someone who can put their ad spend to good use.

For sure, there's a big learning curve.

And if you get it wrong, it's a VERY COSTLY mistake.

facebook ads IQ graphic

If figuring out FB ads or the stress of disabled accounts makes you want to cry, this next one keeps you much more in the driver's seat.

18. Email Marketing Consultant

Another popular channel for creating sales is through email marketing.

But managing a database, creating newsletters and email funnels, and scheduling them is something many businesses would prefer to outsource.

Bonus tip - if you can learn how to use some of the popular CRMs like Hubspot for example, there are companies will pay really well for taking this on.

Now, if you have a great eye for photography and will to do some research, stock images can provide some extra cash flow.

19. Sell Stock Photography

If you have an eye for photography and are willing to do a bit of research, you can sell stock photography and make a bit if extra income.

With all the blogs and online content, people continue to need new and interesting images to go with their writing and videos.

You can upload these images to a site like Shutterstock and get paid a small amount each time someone uses your photo.

There are certain types of images that are more in-demand so it's worth identifying and honing in on a niche.

Shuttershock helps contributors by breaking down exactly what kinds of images are in-demand each month.

shutterstock providing examples of in demand kids off to camp images

As a sidenote, stock video is also beginning to take off too.

And it pays a lot more than stock photography.

The overall problem with stock images is the low payout.

If you're looking at something where you can decide your own profit margins, Amazon FBA might be a better fit.

20. Sell Amazon FBA

Although this may have already reached its peak, there are still plenty of people trying their hand at selling goods on Amazon.

The FBA part comes from "Fullfillment by Amazon".

It's a fancy way of saying Amazon stores and ships your stuff on your behalf.

They also get to charge you more fees for that convenience.

If you can find hot or evergreen products at a discount, it might be worth it.

Another route to get in with the Amazon game is to join the Amazon Partner's Program and sell products via Amazon affiliate links for a small commission.

Amazon FBA page

Most people don't realize the upfront investment to get started with Amazon FBA. 

Realistically, you'd need $8,000-$12,000 to get started and that's a big risk if your stuff doesn't sell.

Instead, you can still get into a bit of retailing but on a piecemeal basis with this next one that has been trending recently.

21. Flipping Unwanted Items

Flipping items from yard sales or store discount sections has become increasingly popular.

No doubt Gary V's undercover yard sales activity has helped promote this side hustle too.

The basic idea is to buy unwanted things and resell them for a profit.

People use apps like Offer Up or sites like eBay to sell their items.

If you're the kind of person who loves bargain hunting, this could be right up your alley.

items for sale on offerup app

Admittedly, there's some running around involved here which won't suit everyone. 

if you'd prefer to stay at home and have people come to you (virtually speaking), check out this one.

22. Teach English to Foreign Students

If you're the patient type and enjoy teaching, there is a lot of demand to learn English. 

No more so than in some Asian countries.

Many affluent families will send their son or daughter overseas to a college in the U.S. or England to master the finer elements of the language.

But it can really help to start working with a tutor to begin with.

There are a number of online platforms to connect teachers to students.

Granted the pay isn't always great and the time difference can be a challenge too.

With the new laws coming out of China around tutoring, that will potentially take one of the biggest audiences off the market.

But there are still a number of other countries who use these services too.

If the idea of navigating extreme time zones is just not doable, here's something a bit closer to home.

23. Be an Online Tutor

Now, lets say you would prefer to stay in your own time zone (or one closer to it).

There are plenty of opportunities for online tutoring.

And a variety of subjects to teach. 

Here's some ideas to get you thinking:

  • Math
  • Science
  • Essay writing
  • Study skills
  • Test preparation

Thankfully, online learning is becoming even more a part of everyday life.

They've been stuck at home with stressed out parents trying to home school them while doing their own jobs remotely.

In fact, I'm sure there are plenty of parents willing to pay for someone to take some of that teaching off their plate so they can focus on other things for a bit.

girl sitting at a table with laptop and headphone being tutored online

If the idea of having to teach leaves you running for the hills, our next solution is much more straightforward.

24. Transcribing

You know all subtitles you can access when binging Netflix or the show notes from your fav podcast?

Well, you can get paid to listen to the material and convert it into a written document.

Sure, you need to be able to type pretty quickly but there's lots of platforms offering work.

There are also more professional routes like law and medical transcribing that pay pretty well too.

It really helps to have an understand of the terminology used in those fields though.

Now, perhaps you're more into knowing what to expect and you're a whiz with numbers and organization.

25. Offer Online Bookkeeping

Are you good with numbers and like keeping things organized?

There are tons of small business owners who need help with their books and tracking expenses.

But they don't have enough to need to hire someone full time on their staff.

You can set up your own bookkeeping service or look to freelance on a site like Upwork to find work.

quickbooks website

Maybe you absolutely loving giving gift and creating the experience around packaging and presentation.

26. Create a Subscription Box Service

So, this could be a fun side hustle if you find a niche you're really interested in.

Usually the subscription involves sending a box of goodies to subscribers on a monthly basis.

The key is to find products and samples that are going to be cost effective.

You also have to decide if you're packaging and shipping the boxes yourself.

Alternatively, you can have a shipping company handle this for your for a fee.

subscription box example for japanese candy

If you're looking for a more direct method of helping people in an in-demand service, you can command a pretty penny in our next niche.

27. Cover Letter and Resume Writing Services

With the hyper-competitive job market right now, there is even more pressure on candidates to stand out from the crowd.

One of the keys to landing that dream job is making a great first impression.

More often than not, that comes down to having an impressive resume and cover letter.

Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of people really needing the help of an expert to create that winning combo.

If grammar isn't your style and you're more the arts and crafts type, check out this next one to release those creative vibes.

28. Sell Crafts

You've probably heard of Etsy, even if you've never bought anything yourself from the site.

Sure, there are some people earning 6 figures on there.

But the majority of Etsy sellers are operating their side hustle and earning some extra money to make it worthwhile.

There's lots of options if you're the artistic type or can get creative.

esty example with first day of school sign for sale

If you'd much prefer something with clear start and end times where you can switch off from any kind of 'work', this next option mightbe a better fit.

29. Remote Customer Service

There are more options than ever to find work from home options in customer service.

With so many companies adapting to remote operations, it's become much more acceptable.

The tasks can vary from answering customer calls to just responding to incoming emails or online chats.

While many companies operate customer service during regular business hours, you may find some with extended hours.

Another option is to look outside of your own time zone to find something that better fits with your availability.

On the other hand, if you know you can't get a moment's peace around the house for now, why not embrace it and do something like this next one.

30. In-Home Childcare

Hey, you've already got a kiddo or two running around the house and making plenty of noise.

If the idea of sitting in front of a computer and finding some quiet time seems impossible, you could always offer to mind someone else's kids while they work.

Perhaps you don't want that to be full-time, you could offer childcare on temporary basis during school holidays or a short term basis when people are really stumped for options.

in home childcare with 2 kids playing

Alternatively, you could create something just once and it keep dripping in cashflow with out next option.

31. Create an Online Course or Workshop

There's an ever increasing demand for courses or workshops that help people solve problems or learn something new.

If you have experience in a topic or can help someone get from A to B, you can use that expertise to earn some extra cash.

Workshops tend to be a bit more time consuming because you have to be present.

But with courses, once it's created, you just have to figure out how to market it effectively and it can keep earning you money passively.

Remember, we really want passive income as a way to build true wealth!

I mean, wouldn't you like to earn money while you sleep or go on vacation?

If the idea of working with technology drives you running in the opposite direction, there are plenty of side hustles that can be much more hands on.

32. Offer In-Home Services

Are you great at cutting hair, doing manicures, or make up?

If so, you could offer any of these services or others from the comfort and convenience of your own home.

I know a few people running in-home services in the beauty niches who do very well.

Plus, they set their own hours around the needs of their family.

It's best to check any local laws and regulations, just to make sure you're not going to run into trouble.

So there we have it. 

Plenty to choose from that can bring in some extra cash.

My advice is to choose something that will result in passive income.

Namely, something that can earn you money without you having to keep putting a lot of grind into it.

Creating an online course, a blog, or a YouTube channel all have the potential to result in some passive income if done right.

If you're looking for a sure-fire way to see real life-changing income fast, you should really take a closer look at local lead generation.

About the Author infosimplemom

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