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Manufacturing businesses for ladies include:

  • Footwear
  • Beer
  • Apparel
  • Toys

Census.gov reports that "50.4% of the American population is women". Further data from WBENC suggests that "in 2024, there are 13 million women-owned businesses in the United States, making up 42% of all companies". Manufacturing uses raw materials to produce electronic devices, automotive parts, and plastics. Forbes says that "women-owned businesses generate $2.7 trillion in annual revenue in the USA". Popular business options for women include food, restaurants, retail, health, beauty, and fitness.

However, the government is adding incentives and resources to STEM enterprises, suggesting that women will soon enter the manufacturing industry. Biz Journals confirms that "women-owned business growth is outpacing men's and contributes more employment and revenue than before the pandemic." Additional data suggests that "women have added 1.7 million companies, 1.4 million jobs, and over $579.6 billion annual revenue." In this article, we list 34 manufacturing business ideas for ladies. We'll also reveal 5 steps to start a woman-owned company and why local lead generation is one of the best options for ladies who want to make passive income in 2024

1. Footwear

Footwear manufacturing is a business idea for a female entrepreneur interested in creating things people wear on their feet, like shoes, boots, and slippers. Business Insider suggests that in 2024, "trends in footwear include ballet flats, minimalist platform sandals, metallic, and bright-colored sneakers." Further data reports that "flip-flops, combat boots, and boat shoes aren't trending this season." Plan on a budget of $10,000-$50,000 to cover the cost of materials, labor, and other related expenses. To start manufacture footwear:

  1. Research and decide on your brand identity. Will you manufacture only sneakers? Or do you want to focus on high-end fashion like heels, flats, and boots?
  2. Create your shoe design and sketch to develop a sample prototype to bring your shoes to life with 3D design. Once you have a prototype, you can make samples and have a soft launch to assess the response of your target market.
  3. Manufacture and market your brand.
  4. Choose your packaging and channels of distribution like Amazon FBA, an e-commerce store, brick-and-mortar locations, or dropshipping. 

Grandview Research states that "the footwear manufacturing industry generates profit margins between 20%-40%". However, this success story shared on Reddit advises, "I hit $1m last year with only 1 employee. That first million is always the toughest. With the foundation set in place, it is all about time efficiency to devote to other ideas. The best thing about it is the thrill of taking new, calculated risks. It's not about the money anymore; it's just wanting to see the fruits of your labor". 

2. Beer

Beer is an alcoholic beverage made with yeast-fermented malt and hops. Gallop News suggests that "37% of Americans drink beer". To start a beer manufacturing business, a woman entrepreneur should decide whether to own a small scale business like a microbrewery or invest the additional capital and create a brewery. Beambox indicates that "it costs around $250,000-$500,000 to open a microbrewery, while a brewery start-up costs are higher and range from $500,000-$2 million".

Beer manufacturing involves learning the business model. What kind of beer will you sell? Are there underserved communities you plan to cater to? Will you offer non-alcoholic options? Next, get your legal documents like license and insurance in order and define your brand. Then, brew, package, and sell your beer on websites and in stores. The key is to ensure superior quality control and offer trends in the beer industry, like alcohol-free options, beers with CBD, craft beers and hard seltzer, or hop water and kombucha-style beverages. Upmenu says that "the average brewery makes annual revenues between $1-$3 million". Additional data from Beambox reveals that "brewery owners earn $40,000-$100,000 in net profit a year".

3. Sports Equipment

Sports equipment is the instruments, materials, apparel, and gear used to compete in a sport. Statista reports that "the global sportswear industry is growing at 8.91%". To start a sports manufacturing business, do market research. Check out the competition and find a gap in the market or products with high demand. Don't try to compete with big-ticket players like Nike or Adidas. Instead, consider small business ideas where you can create a cost-effective product and cater to a specific audience.

When you have your product, develop a prototype and decide if you want to use a retailer to produce your goods, collaborate with an existing manufacturing facility, or start your own. Then, make and deliver your items to consumers via Amazon, dropshipping, an e-commerce website, or in stores. Data shows that in 2024, "trends in sports equipment include pickleball, badminton, and water sports."

4. Automotive Parts 

Automotive parts are the components of a vehicle. Forbes reports that in 2024, "91.7% of Americans own a car". Additional data from Statista states that "there are over 286 million vehicles on the road in the USA". Car parts are a manufacturing business idea that is in demand. However, there is also a ton of competition. To start an automotive parts women owned business, consider taking out a business loan or partnering with an existing retailer. Research shows that the increased growth of car parts is driven by:

  • An expanding vehicle population
  • More older vehicles on the road
  • The ever-growing complexity of parts

Opportunities exist to sell your product via dropshipping, ecommerce, or Amazon. The most significant trend in car parts in 2024 is autonomous vehicles. Data shows that "autonomous vehicles could make $300 billion-$400 billion in annual revenue".

5. Health

Health products are used to manage health and wellness, including herbs, traditional medicine, vitamins and supplements, cold plunges, collagen and weight loss supplements. Research suggests that "top trends in health for 2024 include gut and sleep health, plant-based options, and essential oils." You only need minimal capital to start a home based business selling health products if you align with a manufacturer who makes your items for you. However, if you want to be the business owner of a health manufacturing facility, plan on a budget of at least $10,000 to cover your start-up costs.

To make money, manufacturers of health products assess the competition. Where are they lacking? What can you offer that they're not? Next, create your unique value proposition: why should people buy your products instead of the competition's? Is your price better? Do you offer sustainable products? Are you the authority in your niche? Learn as much as you can about your ideal consumer. What are their pain points? What questions are they asking online? How much money do they make? What are their needs and wants? Then, produce items that provide the best answer and get the desired results. 

6. Toys

Toys are objects children play with and are often replicas of something. Gitnux reveals that "construction toys are witnessing high growth due to an ever-growing popularity for LEGO." A woman entrepreneur interested in manufacturing toys, should have a budget of at least $10,000-$100,000. To be profitable, research trends in the toy industry. Is there a gap in the market? Can you manufacture a toy that isn't being offered elsewhere? In 2024 toy trends include the following: 

  1. Movie and TV tie-ins
  2. Classic toys
  3. Environmentally friendly and sustainable
  4. Tech toys
  5. Toys that teach

Other popular selling features include subscriptions and unboxing. You can sell in stores, via dropshipping, a website, or on Amazon. However, the industry is competitive, so develop a brand that aligns with shoppers' values. For example, companies like Mattel are committed to sustainability and pledge to "use only 100% recycled and bio-based textiles in its products and packaging by 2030". Data says that "a toy manufacturing business generates an average of 30% profit margins". 

7. Plastics

Plastics are synthetic textiles created by polymers, PCV, and nylon. Statista advises that "the plastics manufacturing sector will see revenues in the USA of $10 billion in 2024". Data reports that "plastic trends in New York and other states revolve around sustainability and eco-friendly, science-based options." To start a plastics manufacturing business, pick your niche and target market. What type of plastic will you produce? Popular options include boxes, cups, baby items, and protection packages. Next, assess the costs for material and machinery. Then, decide how and where you plan to market your goods.

Will you sell wholesale? Will you sell from a warehouse or online? To start manufacturing plastics, consider a loan or business grants to get the necessary equity. Fin Models Lab suggests that "it costs $500,000-$3 million to start a plastics manufacturing business in the USA". Of course, you can produce plastic on a smaller scale and focus on a niche market like 3D plastic. A contributor on Reddit writes, "Get a quote from Protolabs. I use them routinely. Depending on the complexity of the mold, the cost can run from $1,700 to $4,000, and the price per part can range (from my experience) from $2.40 to $5". 

8. Candles

Candles are cylinders of wax or tallow with a central wick you can burn to produce light and scents. The National Candle Association (NCA) says that "58% of candles are given as birthday gifts". Manufacturing candles is a low investment option for a small business owner. Small Biz Trends advises that "it costs $9,500-$78,000 to start a candle business". To start manufacturing candles, choose your niche and ideal buyer. Next, develop a unique brand identity and produce candles people want to buy.

Candle trends in 2024 include personalization, customization, luxury, soy-based, and jar candles. Then, decide where to sell. Will you sell online or from a location? Will you offer free shipping or only deliver locally? The secret to making money with candles is leveraging networking opportunities like mom groups, local BNI, and charity events. Data states that "the average profit margin for candle manufacturing is 25%-50%". Additional research from Profitable Venture suggests that "candle makers can earn $500-$1,000 monthly". A Reddit contributor shares, "I started a candle business as a side hustle with $50 that now makes $1000/month".

9. Food And Beverages

Food and beverages are raw, cooked, or processed substances humans consume. According to Food Executive, "the food and beverage industry remains profitable despite the economic recession and increased inflation." To start a small manufacturing business in the food and beverage industry, plan on investing $200,00-$2 million. Decide what you want to manufacture and what niche you intend to target. In 2024, consumers want items like healthier options, global ingredients, and sustainable products that are environmentally conscious. 

To make money with food and beverage be ready to evolve and leverage automation tactics. Secure reliable suppliers and stay ahead of changes in consumer behavior. Upflip shares this success story on his YouTube channel, advising that" the owner of Narrative Coffee cart, Maxwell Mooney, opened his first location in 2015 with $1,800. They just opened their second brick-and-mortar coffee shop and are generating an average monthly revenue of $80,000+ every month".

10. Textiles

Textiles are cloth or fabric woven together. The Round Up reveals that "less than 1% of clothes are recycled into new apparel". While the textile manufacturing industry has decreased substantially in the USA since the early 2000s, it's returning. "Competition, automation, and import delays were among the top reasons for the decline," according to Shenglu Fashion. To start manufacturing textiles:

  1. Have at least $500-$200,000 in funds, depending on the size and scale of your business.
  2. Dial in on your niche and become an authority in your market.
  3. Find a trend to capitalize on or create something better than the competition. 

GMA suggests that "textile trends for 2024 include Y2K comebacks, rhinestones, metallic, and elevated simplicity textures like wool and cashmere". Magestore states that, "the average profit margin for textile manufacturing is 5%-20%". This Redditor shares, "Even though our margins look healthy, we could barely sustain our company. We did last seven years, but it was a huge struggle."

11. Apparel 

Apparel is attire or clothing of a specific kind. Zippia says that "the US fashion industry is worth $343.70 billion". To start this small business idea, sharpen your fashion and design skills to build a recognizable brand. Stay one step ahead of trends like gender-fluid styles. Business Insider suggests that "other apparel trends include retrofuturism and gorpcore". Next, design apparel that is trending or meets a demand in the market. Source fabric or materials from a reliable distributor or create your own. Then, leverage networks like womens business centers to produce and manufacture your clothing and apparel line. Apparel manufacturers make an average of 10%-30% profit. However, data suggests that "clothing manufacturers who can produce high-quality goods for low costs have a better chance of achieving long-term success."

12. Electronics

Electronics is the movement of electrons when influenced by a magnetic or electric field. Gitnux states that "consumer spending on electronics will hit $1.69 trillion by 2023". Manufacturing electronics is an expensive startup, so you may need to leverage credit from an institution like American Express or apply for several small business grants to acquire the necessary capital. Once you have funding, source your components and design and prototype your product.

Next, assemble your PCB and run A/B testing. Then, finish the last assembly, being mindful of quality control before packing and shipping your goods. The secret to profitability is to stay current with trends in electronics, like green manufacturing and environmentally friendly processes such as solar power. Fin Models Lab reveals that "you can make $1 million-$100 million or higher manufacturing electronics". 

13. Pet Food 

Pet food is feed for the consumption of domestic animals. Forbes confirms that "66% of people own a pet" in the USA." However, pet food manufacturing is a relatively low-cost endeavor, so you won't need to rely on business loans. To start manufacturing pet food, decide whether to produce wet or dry feed. Next, design your brand identity and find reliable suppliers. Then, ensure you meet health and safety standards and decide how to sell your product. For example, will you only sell online or plan to sell from a location? 

Cater to the needs of your consumer. The Wildest reports that "78% of people in America believe in a sustainable lifestyle for themselves and their pets". Data indicates that "the average profit margins for pet food manufacturing is 10%-20%". However, a poster on Quora shares their thoughts on how to increase how much you can make with pet food, "If you have a good product and can give your target audience sufficient information about it: how it is made; what it contains; how does it meet an animals nutrition needs; anything that lets people know more about your product, why not sell it online?"

14. Industrial Repair Products

Industrial repair products are parts or tools used in certain equipment. Statista advises that in 2024, "the industrial products industry is worth nearly $295.60 billion". You can start a small business administration company and manufacture a select repair product or invest more capital to run a larger-scale business. To begin manufacturing industrial repair products, know what you want to produce. Research the market. What products are in demand? Is there a gap or underserved niche you can target? Next, find a manufacturing supplier and launch your product. Then, sell your items online via Amazon, a website, or a landing page.

Gen Pact reports that "trends in 2024 include more AI". They share a survey from McKinsey Global Survey that states that "40% of companies in the industry plan to increase their AI investment". Plan on a budget of at least $100,000 to start manufacturing industrial repair products. A Redditor shared this post: "Also, factory and equipment costs. My uncle does finances for a plastics manufacturing plant, and he said they dropped $50,000+ or something on a machine with installation and everything to make small hand sanitizer/ alcohol shooter bottles. Then you have molds, materials, utilities, and, as you said, labor".

15. Cosmetics

Cosmetic products are made with a mixture of natural or synthetic chemical compounds created for personal care. The manufacturing process to produce cosmetics can cost from $3,000-$20,000 to cover production expenses, packaging, labeling, and marketing. However, the global market value of cosmetic products is $672,656.91 million. Further data suggests that "the industry is seeing an annual growth rate of 9.5%, which will continue until 2028". To make money with your cosmetic line, focus on the trends.

Exploding Topics states that "natural products like sea buckthorns, cloudberries, bakuchiol, and carrots are the hottest trend in 2024". Statistics show that "the average profit margins for cosmetic production are 10%-15%". Huda Kattan, founder and CEO of Huda Beauty, shares her cosmetic story on YouTube and reports, "I started with $6,000 and now have a net worth of $560 million".

16. Eco-Friendly Packaging

Eco-friendly packaging is made with recyclable resources such as seaweed, hemp, mushrooms, sugar cane, or corn that have a minimal effect on energy consumption or natural resources. Recent stats report that "66% of American consumers will pay more for eco-friendly products and packaging". To start manufacturing eco-friendly packaging:

  1. Pick the materials you plan to use.
  2. Collect or source your materials.
  3. Manufacture your packaging and printing to sell to local businesses, online or in-store. 

Data shows that "eco-friendly packaging trends include reusable and refill systems and an active response to consumer buying behaviors". Further research suggests that "the average profit margin for eco-friendly packaging is 10%-30%". 

17. Pickles

Pickles are little cucumbers conserved in a vinegar, brine, and sugar solution. Business Insider reveals that "pickles are the 'it' ingredient in 2024 with big brands like Heinz launching their pickle ketchup". To start manufacturing pickles, decide what kind to make and determine your infrastructure. Will you make pickles from your home, or do you plan to scale and manufacture in a factory? Next, get the necessary licenses and insurance. Then, create a place to store your products until they're ready for packaging, pricing, and delivery. You can start a pickle business for $1,000-$5,000.

A writer on Quora shares how his friend started a small-scale pickle business from home, writing: "A friend of mine did exactly that, he started growing cucumbers and bought all the mason jars having developed it from his own family and friends feedback who loved his pickles, so he kept expanding to the point of selling at the county fair, then county fairs, offering samples. Demand grew to the point he had to expand, and now he is pickle king of the county". OK Credit advises that "profit margins for pickle manufacturing is often more than 50%". 

18. Smartwatches

Smartwatches are mobile devices for the wrist that have a touchscreen display. Research suggests that "in 2024, 180 million smartwatches will be shipped". Further data from Demand Sage says that "12% of people in the USA wear a smartwatch". Smartwatch manufacturing can be done in small business development centers for around $100-$500 per watch. This cost covers the components and materials, manufacturing process, labor, promotion, and shipping.

To start manufacturing smartwatches, pick your chip solution and design the circuit, software, and appearance. Next, test your prototype and get a sample. Then, when you're satisfied with the result, start mass production and sell your finished product. Trends to consider when manufacturing your smartwatch include adding more health features like sleep apnea or hypertension. Data indicates that "the average profit margins for smartwatches are 20%-25%".

19. Furniture 

Furniture is large moving pieces or small accessories used in a home or office. Statista reports that "the furniture industry generates an annual revenue of $739.90 per American citizen". To manufacture furniture, plan on spending $500-$10,000 per customer piece. Of course, what you manufacture and ongoing expenses will factor into production costs. The key to making money with furniture is to offer personalized or custom pieces that align with current market trends. Research shows that "furniture trends in 2024 include dark wood and earth tones, botanical upholstery, eco-friendly furnishings, and curved silhouettes". Data states that "the average profit margin for furniture manufacturing is about 40%".

20. Paper

Paper is a textile created with wood pulp or other fibrous materials produced into thin sheets. Statista states, "the paper industry will grow 0.4% from 2024-2025". To start manufacturing paper, conduct research. What are your competitors offering? Can you produce something different? What niche will you choose? Next, secure your funding. Paper production is a high-cost venture, and start-up costs range from $2 million-$50 million.

This poster on Quora confirms that "the paper industry is very capital intensive. You would need a big space, huge machines, and laborers, both skilled and non-skilled". However, paper manufacturing is profitable, especially if you hone in on specific niche markets and offer trending items. Data reveals that "top trends for paper include eco-friendly materials, recycled paper, biodegradable inks, and recycled paper that are chic and glamorous".

21. Health And Beauty

Health and beauty are various self-care skin, face, or hair products. Neilson reports that "paraben-free products now sell 80% faster in the current market". To start manufacturing health and beauty products:

  1. Pick your niche and the item you want to make.
  2. Research the market to see what's trending, or if there is a gap and underserved audience, you can cater to.
  3. Get your funding and create your formula.
  4. Develop a relationship with suppliers and test your product.

Ensure your product meets industry standards, and then make your packaging, brand, and labels. Be transparent and engaging and offer customers the best shopping experience possible. Top products in health and beauty for 2024 include men's lines, natural and organic ingredients, sustainable sources, and hyper-personalized innovations. Exploding Topics states that "the average profit margin for health and beauty products is 10%-15%. However, further data suggests that "high-end and luxury brands generate profits as high as 50%". 

22. Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceuticals are mixtures created for use as a medicinal drug. Within3 reveals that "61% of pharmaceutical firms have specified goals and objectives to provide a better outcome for clinical trials". TechSpert advises that "personalized medicine, AI, and outsourcing are trends dominating the industry". To start manufacturing pharmaceuticals:

  • Learn as much as possible about medicinal products, leverage data—network with KOLs (key opinion leaders), and set parameters around performance and production.
  • Get patient feedback and partner with industry leaders.
  • Ensure your product meets FDA standards, package, label, and distribute for sale.

Definitive Healthleader states that "pharmaceutical trends include personalized medicine and better patient outcomes." Further data states that, the "average profit margin for pharmaceuticals is 0%-40%". 

23. Chemicals

Chemicals are substances with a defined composition. Research suggests that "the most profitable manufacturing chemicals include laundry detergent, perfumes, sealants, and adhesives". To start a chemical line, pick your product and design your brand. Next, get the required documentation and set up your facility. Then, do testing and create your packaging and label. When you have a finished product, sell it online or in retail outlets. We Forum says that "the average profit margin for chemical manufacturing is 19%-28%".

24. Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary napkins are absorbent pads made with disposable materials women use during their menstruation cycle. Statistics reveal that "57.43 million American women used sanitary napkins in 2020". To produce sanitary napkins, decide on the type of material you plan to use. Top contenders include recyclable materials, cotton jerseys, polyester, and linen. Next, design your fluff build, core, and top sheet. Then, laminate, wrap, and package for wholesale. Data reports that "the average profit margin for sanitary napkins is 66.3%."

25. Customized Sticker Printing

Customized stickers are self-adhesives designed for a person's or business's preferences or needs. Statistics convey that "custom stickers are in high demand and expected to see annual growth rates of 5.4% from 2024-2028". Customized sticker printing is a low-cost business model that requires around $100-$1,000 to start. To manufacture customized stickers, pick a niche and validate the design you want to print. Next, decide how to sell your stickers. Will you sell at a store, online, or dropship on third-party platforms like Etsy and Amazon? Then, choose your type of sticker: vinyl, transparent, craft paper, hologram, or metallic, and begin creating them. Markets And Markets states that "the average profit margin for customized sticker printing is as high as 80%".

26. CNC Machine Shops (Computer Numerical Control)

Computer numerical controls are an automated manufacturing process that uses preprogrammed computer software and state-of-the-art precision to make metal and plastic components. Statistics indicate that "the CNC industry will grow by 6.86% annually from 2024 to 2031". To start manufacturing CNC, have a solid understanding of G-code and microcomputer languages like M-code. Stecker Machine Company advises that "automation and robotics in CNC manufacturing will continue to increase in 2024". Plan on a budget of $3-$200 per kilogram to produce. However, additional data suggests that "the profit margins for computer numerical controls is 20% or higher".

27. Vermicomposting Production

Vermicomposting is a green process that uses earthworms to transform waste into natural fertilizer for compost. Research reveals that, "trends in vermicomposting include cow dung, chicken waste, and organic compostable materials. Further data suggests that "vermicomposting worms like red and European night crawlers can live as long as five years." To start manufacturing vermicomposting:

  1. Research the market and decide on a site.
  2. Collect your materials and set up your worm bins.
  3. Cultivate your worm population with the proper food, moisture, and aeration.
  4. When your compost is ready, harvest it and ensure it complies with local quality standards and applicable legislation. 

You can sell your vermicompost to local agricultural operations, nurseries, and garden centers. Agriculture Magazine states that "the average profit margins for vermicomposting is 15%-50%."

28. 3D Printing Services

3D printing manufacturing is used to create physical things from a digital design. Raise 3D reveals that "65% of the demand for 3D is from engineers developing electrical and industrial consumer goods". To start manufacturing 3D prints, learn as much as possible about the current technology, including printers and filaments. Next, decide which printer to use and your target niche. Popular options include prototypes, customizable eyeglasses, pieces for board games and toys, smartphone cases, and home décor like plates, photo frames, planters, and cutlery.

Then, create your brand and choose where to sell your designs. Uptive confirms that, "3D printing trends include environmental consciousness and sustainable techniques that use eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient printing methods". Plan on a budget of $1,000 to $10,000 to start manufacturing 3D prints to cover the cost of your printer, software, and advertising. SelfCAD says that "the average profit margins for 3D printing are 50%-90% of the cost of materials."

29. Coffee 

Coffee is a hot beverage made with roasted beans of the tropical shrub. Drive Research reveals that "75% of people in the USA drink coffee daily". To manufacture coffee, plant the seeds and then harvest and process the cherries. Next, dry and mill the beans. Then, you can sell your roasted coffee online or at a retail establishment. Data shows that "trends in the coffee industry include specialty and personalized craftsmanship, cold beer, and sustainably sourced beans".

This post on Reddit indicates that their coffee beans are selling reasonably well, "Our fixed and short-term debt costs are about $1,200 per month; right now, we are generating about $600 per month net profit with the current volume". However, Majesty Coffee says that "the average profit margin for coffee is 2.5%-6.8% and can go as high as 8.79%".

30. Firearms

Firearms are guns made with explosive charges for the use of people. Ammo says that "32% of people in the USA own at least one firearm". To start manufacturing firearms, know the industry and speak with legal counsel and ATF. Next, get the necessary legal documents, insurance, LLC, patents, and certifications. Then, choose your location and start production. However, firearm manufacturing is a substantial investment, and you should have a minimum of $200,000-$500,000.
Research suggests that "the hottest trend in firearms in 2024 is the creation of the Henry Big Boy Revolver".

31. Cannabis

Cannabis is a tall plant with serrated leaves used to produce hemp and drugs. Flow Hub states that "70% of Americans are in favor of legalizing cannabis". To start manufacturing cannabis, choose what business model you want to pursue. For example, will you open a dispensary, grow marijuana, deliver, or sell online? Register your business and get the necessary documentation, including licenses and permits. Next, secure funding. You need to invest $2,000-$20,000 for a nonrefundable application to sell marijuana, and the cost depends on the state where you reside. Then, sell your cannabis to make money.

Gallup advises that "50% of people in the USA report trying marijuana". In 2024, there is a 25% tax for growers who ship to a processor and an additional 25% tax on the processor to the retailer. Of course, the retailer will add a markup and is expected to pay 10%-25% sales tax plus 25% federal tax. Cannabis City says that "their business spends 60% of the value of their product on taxes". According to Cohn Reznick, "the profit margin for cannabis is 45%-55%". However, further data from Cova Software suggests that "cannabis profit margins are closer to 15%-20%".

32. Homemade Snacks

Homemade snacks are food made in a person's home or locally by their efforts. The Hartman Group reveals that "40% of snackers eat because of the need to be distracted". To make homemade snacks, decide on your niche and what you want to sell. Next, get your business, sales tax, and food hander's licenses. Then, ensure you can make and sell snacks from your home (you may need a zoning permit or kitchen inspection). When ready, you can create and sell your snacks online, at local markets, or in a retail business. Trending snacks include popcorn, pretzels, chips, cookies, and granola. Coda states that, "the average profit margin for homemade snacks is 8%-22%". However, additional data indicates that popcorn profit margins can be as high as 80%."

33. Portable Chargers

Portable chargers are lightweight and transportable battery packs used to charge electronic devices. Research states that "portable chargers can also be called mobile batteries or power banks." Statistics show that "the portable charger industry is growing at a rate of 9.8% in 2024 and will continue on this trajectory until 2031".

To manufacture portable chargers, decide what type of charger you want to manufacture. Next, understand how to wire and build your portable charger and secure the necessary materials. Then, develop and market your charger. You can sell online via dropshipping, Amazon FBA, or with your own ecommerce store. Data says that "the average profit margin for portable chargers is between 15%-45%".

34. Electric Car Conversion Kits

Electric car conversion kits combine elements and parts that transform an internal combustion engine into an electric vehicle. Research indicates that "EV kits include an electric motor, controller, battery pack, and other ancillary parts needed for the conversion procedure." Progressive states that "by 2025, 20% of vehicles in the USA will be electric. This number jumps to 40% by 2040". To produce electric car conversion kits, know how to build your charger and have the electric components needed.

Next, ensure your wiring is correct and evaluate all the electronic components. Then, put it all together and run testing to ensure you have a working system. Wards Auto declares that "the number one solution for people who own a classic car is to convert it to an electronic vehicle." According to ZT Corporate, "the average profit margin for manufacturing electric car conversion kits is 7.5%-10%."

5 Steps On How To Start A Woman-Owned Company

Ladies can start a manufacturing business by:

  • Deciding on a business idea and identifying an ideal clientele
  • Researching for gaps in the market or an underserviced audience for your business 
  • Securing funding, finding suppliers, and choosing the locale for your business
  • Creating a marketing system and pricing structure for your business
  • Building your business' brand and getting loyal customers

According to NAM, "an all-time high of 29% of the manufacturing workforce are women in the USA." This female entrepreneur on Reddit shares, "I manufacture a specialty wedding product. Everything is made and shipped (literally) in-house. Last year, it was grocery money. This year, it's 'pay the mortgage' money". To start a woman-owned company, follow these five steps:

1. Decide on your business idea and identify your ideal clientele

Decide on your business idea and identify your ideal client base. Consider their wants and needs, goals, and pain points. Where do they live? What is their identified gender? How much money do they make? You can start a manufacturing business that provides existing products or creates something new. The key is to choose something that people need and are in demand.

Use third-party tools like Keyword Discover, Google Alerts, and Similarweb to see what the competition is selling and where gaps need filling. Then, develop something unique that doesn't compete with big-ticket players. Address complaints or issues your ideal consumer asks about on media channels like Facebook, People Also Ask, and Google.

2. Research for gaps in the market or an underserviced audience for your business

Research and find gaps in the market. Is there a market for your item? Use Google Keywords to determine if people are looking for what you want to manufacture. What is the competition selling? Exploding Topics reveals that "23% of companies don't have an identified market research process". Next, run A/B testing to see if your product will sell. Green Book says that, "mobile-first surveys are the newest way to perform market research in 2024". When you have specified if your product is profitable, start small and create a loyal customer base. Then, consider scaling and growing your brand.

3. Secure funding, find suppliers, and choose the locale for your business

Women business owners must secure funding by drawing on financial resources like savings or equity. You can apply for a business loan or use your credit card; however, you will be taking on debt that you'll need to repay later. Some manufacturing businesses leverage angel investors, partner companies, or crowdfunding to acquire capital. Statista states that "AI startups generate $24 billion in funding annually". Next, find reliable suppliers to deliver inventory on time for a decent price. 

Fictiv suggests that "55% of manufacturing businesses feel improvements to supply chain visibility is a top priority in 2024". Choose where you want to locate your business. Picking the right location is vital to the long-term success of your company. To decide where to locate, consider: Where do your target customers live? Will you offer online delivery or in-store only? Where are your suppliers and partners located? Does this location provide easy access to transportation? Are there government incentives where you want to build? 

4. Develop a marketing strategy and pricing structure for your business

Your marketing strategy is the long-term process you intend to leverage to reach your goals and connect with your target audience. Sprout Social reports that in 2023, "43% of people used social media to find new products." To determine your pricing, use cost-plus pricing that takes all of the expenses and overhead costs to create, produce, and market your product and develop a profit margin in addition to this total.

Of course, you must also factor inflation, economic uncertainty, and interest rates in your prices. The key is to ensure you make money but not outprice yourself from the market. Kiplinger reports that in 2024, "consumer demand remains low, but business demand will increase."

5. Build your business' brand and get loyal customers

To build your brand, be more than a brand, foster a community, and have a clear mission statement to generate a loyal customer base. Zinrelo says that, "loyal customers can increase business' profit margins by 25%-95%". Align with things meaningful to your ideal buyer's moral or ethical standards. For example, offer eco-friendly packaging or a reduced carbon footprint. Next, leverage omnichannel marketing.

Advertise intelligently on platforms like Google, social media, and online forums. Then, create incentives to draw in new shoppers. Proprofschat shares that "61% of buyers want financial rewards, while 58% look for a company that offers products tailored to their needs". Build brand awareness by posting more on social media, sponsoring a local event, or offering free upsells with purchases.

What Is The Best Business For A Woman To Start?

The best business for a woman to start is something that fills a gap in the market or targets an underserved audience, like: 

  • A High fashion reseller
  • An online store owner
  • Web designer

Research with tools like Google Trends, TikTok Made Me Buy It, and People Also Ask. What products are trending? Where is there a demand in the market? Next, learn as much as you can about your ideal consumer. What are their needs? What are the challenges they have that aren't being met by other businesses? Then, find a market with low levels of competition so you can tailor your brand message.

Search Logistics advises that "more than 50% of small businesses fail in their first five years while over 95% of small tech enterprises don't make it past five years in business". So, you need to build trust and awareness with the right people. When setting up a manufacturing business for ladies, there are a few key factors to consider, including the following: 

  1. Is there a need for your business?
  2. Is your business idea unique?
  3. What business structure will you adopt? (Online or brick-and-mortar)
  4. How much capital will you need to start your company?

Data states that in 2024, "one of the most significant challenges a business owner faces is poor labor quality." To ensure your manufacturing business is successful, do research and market testing. See what works and where you need to make changes to secure profitability with your company. 

What Is The Simplest Product To Manufacture? 

The simplest products to manufacture are items that don't need many materials or a ton of human labor, such as paper, plastics, and food like pasta or bread. The key is to find less complex products. According to Statista, "manufacturing enterprises in the United States will make up $501.9K in 2024".

The most profitable manufacturing businesses for ladies include ceramic tiles, jewelry, picture frames, and rubber stamps. However, this Reddit user writes, "I've been making large castor wheels on a euro pallet; a quick sand and wax and calling it an industrial style coffee table. I've made over £100 with something thrown together in a lunch break".

What Industry Has The Most Female Entrepreneurs?

The industry with the most female entrepreneurs is retail at 26%. Luisa Hou shares that "the top woman-owned initiatives also include the following:

  • Health, beauty, and fitness: 26% 
  • Food and restaurants: 14%". 

Inc. states that "woman-owned businesses have increased by 114% since 2000. Women now own 1/3 of companies worldwide." Further research shows that "849 new companies are launched by females daily in the USA." Global Entrepreneurship Monitor says that "one-third of high growth entrepreneurs in national and international markets consist of women ." 

Why Local Lead Generation Is A Better Option For Ladies In 2024 

Manufacturing businesses for ladies is a way to generate a steady income. However, high start-up costs, competition, and the ongoing issues with the supply chain can result in a ton of effort for zero profit. Fundear reveals that "in 2023, 82% of companies failed due to cash flow problems." Local lead generation is a way to be a female entrepreneur without much capital or concerns around saturated markets. Instead, you build and rank small websites that offer one service in one location.

The focus is on the local rather than the global market. As a result, you can get your sites to the top of the search engines in under six months. At the top, you own digital real estate in front of people actively searching for what you provide. Lead generation is a skill, so you don't encounter high levels of competition. But once your sites generate leads, you sell them to local contractors for 85%-90% profit. Each website only costs about $500 to build and rank and takes 10-15 hours to complete.

Grand rapids tree service local lead gen site

Take the site above, which I created in 2015. This lead gen property took me about 10 hours to build and has been making me a monthly passive income of $2,000 a month for almost a decade. You can build and rank websites anywhere in the world. The site, the tracking number, and the leads belong to you. Once your sites produce leads, they need minimal maintenance (around 10-12 hours a year).

Overhead costs are low (about $100 per site per year). There's no limit to how many websites you build and rank, but each one has the potential to make $500-$3,000 a month. Check out this lead gen training program with over 7,000 students to earn passive income online with local lead generation. Everyone supports one another and is seeking to make money online in 2024

About the Author Pamela Salvana

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