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November 22, 2023

Quit your 9-to-5 job, start an online hustle, and condense your yearly salary into a monthly income. Shaqir Hussyin shows his online business that makes $55,000 a month and promises that you can too if you follow him. He promises that his business model is completely brand new and something that hasn’t been done before. Is it the special 2023 business he promised it to be or another over-hyped online guru success? 

As a stay-at-home mom, juggling kids and a side hustle while maintaining a clean home, I need a low-maintenance but quick-income biz. Shaqir Hussyin offers a work-from-home program that lets you earn up to $55K per month by becoming an affiliate marketer. But is affiliate marketing the best online hustle for stay-at-home moms? This Wealth Academy review covers the program inclusions, the cost, and Shaqir Hussyin’s professional and business background. I’ll also reveal controversial discoveries with Shaqir's shady past. 

Wealth Academy is the umbrella academy of Shaqir Hussyin that offers different wealth-building courses, mostly on funnel creation and affiliate marketing. The academy also offers mentorship and programs, 1 on 1 strategy sessions, and a mastermind. Wealth Academy Accelerator for Digital Creators is a step-by-step course on personal brand and funnel automation. One-year access costs $2,997. Wealth Academy PRO includes all the perks of the accelerator plus 1-on-1 coaching. It’s $12,497 for a year plus a $100 monthly fee. Shaqir also offers personalized mentorship. Wealth Academy Mastery is $25,000, the program includes weekly mentorship from Shaqir for 12 months. Elite mentorship is $40,000 per year with access to the inner circle and 3 live in-person mastermind events. Wealth Academy also offers certification programs on 

  • Facebook advertising
  • sales funnels 
  • content, webinar, and email marketing 
  • speak-to-sell and high-ticket offers, 
  • direct response copywriting and, 
  • e-commerce marketing. 

Shaqir Hussyin is an 8-figure entrepreneur, recipient of 4 Clickfunnels Two Comma Club awards, and the founder of Wealth Academy and Funnels.com. He is monikered the “backpack millionaire” and claims to have made $30 million before he turned 30. According to his LinkedIn, he studied banking, corporate, finance, and securities law at the University of East London. He dropped out 3 years later to pursue online entrepreneurship. Shaqir started Funnels.com and Wealth Academy in 2008. In his over 15 years as an entrepreneur, Shaqir has hosted over 150 live events and built over 1.55 million email lists. Shaq invested over $10 million cash in over 30 companies and mentored over 25,000 students. He was featured in big business publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and CNBC. He shared the stage with American businessman, author, and speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee). 

Wealth Academy: Affiliate Marketing Using Email Lists and Funnels  

Shaqir Hussyin seems to be a successful online entrepreneur who started from nothing. He is one of Clickfunnel’s top affiliates and he claims to have over 500 client recommendations. Shaq has also helped some Clickfunnels awardees like Medhi Seyd, a 6-figure earner before 18, who earned his first Clickfunnels Two Comma Club award under Shaq’s mentorship. Another success story is of Mark Bowness who’s making $100K per week because of Shaqir’s program. He claims to have a secret weapon sales script that consistently books up to 50 calls per day. He said he scaled to a million with less than a hundred high-ticket clients. Shaqir carries himself as the perfect entrepreneur and mentor. But digging into his past showed some intriguing controversies that he seemingly tried to hide from the public eye. 

The biggest issue with Shaqir Hussyin is his alleged involvement in pyramid-scheme businesses. I found a 2013 document written by Mike Dewald for Newswire.net wherein Shaqir was featured as one of the top 10 all-time earners of Empower Network. In just 3 years, Shaqir grew from a college dropout to a 6-figure earner. He became part of the 1% top entrepreneurs in Empower Network and has trained thousands through seminars and private workshops. The now-bankrupt company is tagged as one of the scammiest MLMs to have ever existed. Reports claim that the company exploited innocent individuals for promised fame and fortune. The MLM became popular around 2013 -2014. It sold virtual products like a $25/month blogging platform, a $1,000 team-building formula, a $500 top producers formula, and a $3,500 mass influence formula. It was reported that anyone who didn’t buy all the products got bullied by the mentors. They’re basically pressuring people to buy high-ticket items out of fear. Shaqir was also associated with Matt Lloyd’s MOBE (My Online Business Education), which taught affiliate marketing in 2013. It was officially shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2018 for fraud. MOBE has allegedly scammed over $125 million through a fake online educational company. 

Shaqir seems to be changing his version of the story quite a lot. In an archived version of his website (2010), Shaqir markets himself as a digital marketing expert. He offered one-on-one coaching to entrepreneurs for $2,000. Many reports say that Shaqir tried to silence all reviews that talk about him being a scammer. He seems to be very particular about his public image. He hired a legal counsel to sue individuals for slander and defamation if they ever talked negatively of him online. This didn’t stop people from writing reviews of Wealth Academy. People speculate that Wealth Academy is just a rebranded version of MOBE. The speculations aren’t without basis. Wealth Academy has a similar program scheme to MOBE. It trains people to become experts and monetize their expertise through a physical or digital product using automated sales funnels. It also teaches students how to make big money with affiliate marketing. 

Wealth Academy Reviews on YouTube

Best Video Reviews by Kim Willis uploads course creator reviews that expose fraud and debunk unrealistic claims. The channel has 21 subscribers and 41 video uploads as of writing.

Kim Willis reviews Shaqir Hussyin on his YouTube channel, Best Video Reviews. He exposed Shaqir’s association with MLM companies MOBE and Empower Network, where Shaqir allegedly scammed over 3 million dollars. He acknowledged Shaqir’s experience and charisma as a marketer. But he also warned people that success with affiliate marketing depends on a person’s qualities and attitudes and not on the course they take. 

Can Moms Make A Stable Income By Becoming An Affiliate Through Wealth Academy?

It’s less likely for moms to make a stable income with affiliate marketing through Wealth Academy. Although the course is quite comprehensive, there are innate challenges of the affiliate marketing biz that make it unstable and unpredictable. According to a survey by the Influencer Marketing Hub (published June 2023), 57.55% of affiliate marketers are making less than $10,000 per year. It’s very far from Shaqir’s $55,000 per month claim. The same survey shows that only 3.78% of affiliates are making more than $150,000 annual income. Wealth Academy’s traffic generation method is also quite outdated. Barilliance estimates that the conversion rate of email marketing campaigns is around 8% to 10%. The success rate of email marketing dropped to 8.17 (from 8.87 in 2021). This drop indicates that email marketing is losing its effectiveness as new strategies sprout. 

Overall, it would be risky to get Wealth Academy considering its shady past, alleged association with MLMs, and steep price point. Shaqir has promoted defunct pyramid businesses in the past. And, it’s suspicious that Wealth Academy has a similar concept to MOBE and Empower Network, the two defunct MLM companies shut down by the FTC. Affiliate marketing using email marketing as the main traffic source isn’t the most profitable business model in 2023. Technically, it’s not impossible to make $55K per week. But, the chances of achieving those figures would be very slim considering that affiliate marketing is a highly competitive industry and email marketing has low (and dropping) conversion rates. My biz recommendation for moms is local lead generation. By building digital properties, you can generate leads that you can sell to small business owners at 85% to 90% profit margins. You don’t have to promote other people’s products for a commission. As the owner of digital assets, people will come to you for business. 

About the Author Pamela Salvana

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